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However, Hanks’s statement was met with scepticism online, with many saying that Bradley Cooper is currently shooting a biopic of Leonard Bernstein, which has already attracted Oscar buzz, and Ewan McGregor recently won an Emmy for playing Halston.

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Do I sound like I’m preaching? I don’t mean to.” Hanks continued: “It’s not a crime, it’s not boohoo, that someone would say we are going to demand more of a movie in the modern realm of authenticity. We’re beyond that now, and I don’t think people would accept the inauthenticity of a straight guy playing a gay guy.” One of the reasons people weren’t afraid of that movie is that I was playing a gay man. The whole point of Philadelphia was don’t be afraid. “Let’s address ‘Could a straight man do what I did in Philadelphia now?’” said Hanks.

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